Mrs. Kathie Arena
7th/8th Grade Teacher
For nearly 10 years, Mrs. Arena has enjoyed assisting the school in various capacities, dedicating much of that time to promoting CCA and working in the school office. For the last several years, she has taught several junior high and high school classes. With a background in long-term care, marketing, and freelance writing, Mrs. Arena brings a diverse knowledge base of experiences to her position. Originally, she pursued a degree in Anthropology/Archaeology before switching majors. Married, with one son, she is an active member of the Lighthouse Church. In her free time, she enjoys walking her yellow lab, Indy, and reading. Her favorite verse is 2 Timothy 1:7.
BS, Liberal Studies/Psychology, West Chester University.
K-12 Teaching Certificate, State of NJ
A Special Thank You to our 2024 Walkathon Sponsors:
Cape Christian Academy